Feb 17th, 2021 > 자유게시판 1

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자유게시판 1

Feb 17th, 2021

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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 5회 작성일 24-06-26 09:57


Feb 17th, 2021

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Publish Date: (2024-05-16|3:49 pm), Modified Date: (2024-06-26|6:57 pm)

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베르디 커틴정 내돈내산 후기 : 건강한 탄수컷팅제
오늘은 내돈내산 커틴정 후기를 들고왔다 인스타 홍보하는거 많이 안믿는 편이긴 한데 맨처음에 식욕때문에 포만정을 구매했다가 그다음엔 뺄톡스를 구매했다가 새로나온 커틴정도 구매해봄! 원래 가르시니아 같은 탄수 컷팅제 극혐하는 타입인데, 나는 가르시니아 탄수컷팅제먹으면 바로 부정출혈 일어나고 몸에 너무 안좋은거같아서 무조건 안사는 타입임.. 간손상에대한 뉴스도 많이봤구.. 근데 베르디에서 절대로 간손상없는!! 안전한!! 탄수컷팅제나왔다고해서 반신반의하지만 사봤음 요건 결제 인증!!!! [베르디] 커틴정 (탄수화물컷팅지수 74.8%) 농업진흥청개발/임상/특허 원료 원기1호, 2호 독점사용(최초) 난 카테킨도 간손상때문에 안....... (Publish Date: 2023-03-25)

20210331 캐스영어 복습 15회차
benny Benjamin Benjamin bunny The place in this picture is a classroom. There is a huge whiteboard. There is a chalkboard/blackboard also. A lot of desks are there. It is during school break, because there are no students. There is a map of the world. There are long white lights on the ceiling. (Halogens) the floor is made of wood The desks are arranged in rows. The floor is wooden. The teacher threw the chalk at a student. Teachers could be violent. Corporal punishment Aqua, cyan Greenish blue Physical Education, Phys Ed, PE The class I hated most was everything with balls. The mean girls try....... (Publish Date: 2021-04-01)

20210329 캐스영어 복습 14회차
Bi bim bap with tobiko I’m sick of bullet proof coffee. I’m quitting keto coffee. Mediterranean diet Non-dairy creamer Artificial sugar good fats Good fats - the best is lemon mousse I’ve been exercising in the gym for two months and one day I wondered.... Yo yo dieting He’s a dog so swimming is natural. He jumped, chasing other dogs. I had to give him a bath. When I took him to the salon for dogs they took care of him really well. I tried to do it myself, grooming his coat and nails. Doing it yourself He doesn’t cooperate. He has natural fur. They have hair loss and they look so pitiful........ (Publish Date: 2021-04-01)

20210322 캐스영어 복습 13회차
C-section Baby shower - the party that you have when you are going to have a baby Some women has easy births. My Mom’s belly has so many stretch marks. Bottles the breast milk Soap from breast milk It has lots of antibodies. Antibodies fight off infection. Binkie I stopped using it. Sucking their thumb I talked about my relationship with my mom. Art therapy Interprets it. Recumbent She asked us for money twice. We paid her in advance. We gave her so many gifts and we gave her a raise. Matchmaking If the relationship doesn’t work. It’s all my fault. They thought he was a bad person. #캐스영....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-22)

20210317 캐스영어 복습 12회차
I turn off the notifications from my husband...he’s always texting...anything that pops into his mind It was urgent. He took a job. He has two part time jobs. He’s just volunteering They don’t pay the bills. Floral decorations He’s a driver for the staff The passenger in his new car was Father, the parish priest. The parish priest and nuns used to sleep over. Cigarettes are medicine for your nerves and aches and pains My father tried to quit smoking 10 times. When someone smoked around our apartment someone bullied them on the internet. I pity the smokers. Newer builds have better piping. ....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-17)

20210310 캐스영어 복습 11회차
Today, I was surprised.... Nutritious Not nutritious Cauliflower When you boil cabbage it’s too soft People who are on a keto diet... Did I tell you that... The ingredients are so that you might as well buy a remade meal.... Chia seeds and strawberries When the fruits were overripe... Orange marmalade Dalgona coffee Eurythritol guee Ghee butter Mercury Nuclear fallout Travel to Japan We don’t think the nuclear pollution One of the nurses suggested that I not get that test There is more breast cancer than there used to be. It’s ranked 2nd in the world. Inherited disease My grandfather on my ....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-10)

내돈내산 전화영어 화상영어 최종선택은? 민병철유폰? 텔라? 캐스영어!
광고 절대 아닌 내.돈.내.산 리뷰 임을 명시합니다. 두달전에 전화영어, 화상영어 관련 레벨테스트를 돌며 까다로운 고민을 했었다. 처음에는 가성비 전화영어로 필리핀 전화영어를 위주로 찾아다니다가 결국에는, 민병철유폰으로 선택을 했었다! 민병철 유폰을 선택한 이유를 말하자면, 장점 1. 선생님들 발음, 속도, 퀄리티가 타 업체대비 우수하다. 2. 가격이 센만큼 컨텐츠가 다양하며 짜임새가 있다. 3. 어플로 쉽게 접근하여 수업을 받을 수 있게끔 구성되있다. 4. 라이팅 첨삭 서비스?가있다. 나는 장기적으로, 계속해서 스피킹연습을 할 목적으로 6개월 월~금 주 5회 10분 코스를 끊었다. 여러가지 혜택을 받아 40만원? 정도 에끊었던 걸....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-08)

20210308 캐스영어 복습 10회차
It’s hard to get to bed early on Sunday. When I worked before I always went to bed late because I don’t want to.. I slept late. I got up late. I eat small portions, but frequently. The last of the pizza.... I ate it without telling him. And after that...the next day... I had it already. I had a physical. - went to a doctor and get everything checked I got a check up at the dentist and I had cavity. I still did not get it filled. Brittle - like glass, easy broken When you dream about losing your teeth you have a fear of getting older. Might die It feels like someone walked over my grave. We h....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-08)

20210305 캐스영어 복습 9회차
It was the first time that I tried Papa John’s. Hawaiian. We ordered combination pizza. Meatza Pizza. Caesar salad - salad with chicken and a creamy dressing biotin Biotin makes nails and hair stronger. Newfoundland fish cakes I took too many supplements for three years and my liver get damaged. All Koreans by water filters. Cooler in an office They were all replaced by machines. Plumber, handyman Cognac I sometimes asked my uncle to give me his phone. My husband is an only child. I thought it would be bad because his Mom loves him so much. Compete - win over someone She is nosy and intrusive....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-05)

20210303 캐스영어 복습 8회차
When I’m on my period... It feels like I’m weighed down. Tulips Crocus There are only a few kinds flowers, like cherry blossoms. We have mandarine trees. Genetically modified to make it bigger and sweeter When I peel it my hands get wet and sticky. On-my-mother’s-side I’m not sure that I can live until you go to university. I see them twice a year. One year, it happened that my grandmother got cancer, and we were so worried. We cared for her and prayed for her. She got so much attention. All the relatives visited her. A new lease on life She’s a nurse. I asked her if she’s ok. She has a ....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-03)

20210301 캐스영어 복습 7회차
We were planning to go camping. Delicate constitution I want to go to a movie in the theatre Theatres, playhouses Neptune Theatre Over-act, they exaggerate Pitter-patter The pitter patter of rain on the roof The pitter patter of little feet Spinning I want to put in ballet class He exercises even now. He plays football. My Mom is grumpy and I take after her. I’m easily annoyed. Why did you colour them all the same? He wasn’t taught to paint. He was self-taught. Happy trees I think the knife is called a palette. Prolific A kit with everything in it It was time consuming He interrupted me and ....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-03)

20210226 캐스영어 복습 6회차
Give me a call when you're back. The nose piece on my glasses is never comfortable, It’s a thorn in my side. Bifocals LASIK surgery Foggy It causes glare. Type A Type B Type A - always needs to work and be perfect Type B - easy going I want to graduate from university before I have a baby. I protested about going there. He likes to scout out housing in the old part of the city. He works in an office, but he buys and sells real estate on side. It has to be old and rundown. People on the ground floor, complain about the noise from upstairs. #캐스영어 #화상영어 #전화영어 #캐나다전화영어 #캐....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-03)

20210224 캐스영어 복습 5회차
Power nap This is a couple. Someone is taking a portrait. It doesn’t look real. It looks like a picture or painting. There is a bridge floating in the air. There are two horses. There is one raccoon holding a flower. It is peculiar that she is wearing a red dress. Fantasy, imaginary Particular - one specific thing Peculiar - strange Full moon, crescent moon or quarter moon, new moon In Korea, normally the bride and groom buy a wedding package. It includes video, the dress and the makeup. We take pictures wearing the dress and a tuxedo. We pick one or two dresses for the wedding day. We pick f....... (Publish Date: 2021-03-03)

How Are You? 대답 뭐가 있을까? 여기 다 모았다!
상황에 따라 다르긴 하지만 일반적으로 원어민은 ‘How are you?’를 ‘Hey, hi!’ 즉, ‘안녕!’의 의미로 사용합니다. 다음부터는 ‘How are you?’라고 물으면 아래 표현들로 좀 더 자연스럽게 대답해 보세요. Fine. Thanks. (좋아요, 고마워요.) Good, how are you? (좋아요, 당신은 어때요?) Not bad. (나쁘진 않아요.) Doing just fine. Thank you. (잘 지내고 있어요, 고마워요.) Can't complain. (그저 그래요.) Just hanging in there. (그냥 버티고 있네요 요즘.) Couldn't be better. (더할 나위 없이 좋아요.) Everyday (the) same day. (그날이 그날이죠 뭐.) I am a bit feeling under the weather today. (오늘은 기분....... (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

20210222 캐스영어 복습 4회차
I didn’t want to go there, but it’s the closest place. It has eight floors and there is a grocery store in the basement. The other floors are full of luxury items. This is a picture of a forest. It is full of trees. There are flowers. It looks like lavender. The sunshine is shining through the trees. There is nothing else. The trees are deciduous (versus conifer). Juniper Coniferous The trees cast shadows. The old oak casts a shadow over the dining room window. My daughter likes to pick flowers. We picked flowers and sipped the nectar out of the flowers. Especially when he was sorry Christia....... (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

"부담 갖지 마세요" / "괜히 저 때문에 부담 드리는 것 같아서.." → 상황에 따라 자연스러운 영어
210222 캐스터디 "부담 갖지 마세요" / "괜히 저 때문에 부담 드리는 것 같아서.." → 상황에 따라 자연스러운 영어 https://youtu.be/UJurrzBES5s 1. 부담 갖지 마세요 (상대방에게 요구하면서, 잘 해낼 필요는 없다. 부담갖지마세요) ▶No pressure. ▶Don't worry about it. A: Excuse me. Could you take a picture of us, please? B: Oh, I don't know I take horrible pictures. A: Oh, no pressure./ Oh, don't worry about it. We just want a picture with all of us in it. 2. 부담 드리고 싶지 않아요 (상대방이 나때문에 귀찮은 일을 하려고 하는 것 같은 눈치일때 ) (약간은 그러고 싶은 마음은....... (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

20210219 캐스영어 복습 3회차
The place is a mountain. It’s not just a normal mountain. It looks higher than other mountains. There are people climbing the mountain. It seems like some kind of base camp. They are putting on their clothes and tying their shoes. I can see some kids there. They are building some snowmen. It looks like the Himalayas. Compared to other mountains, this is a tall mountain. It’s a ski resort. We don’t have many ski hills. They have ski poles. The snow field seems clear. It’s a clear day. The snow covered the mountain. They have hats to cover their heads. We measure the altitude from sea level........ (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

20210217 캐스영어 복습 2회차
Equipment for exercising This is a grocery store. There are some fruits and vegetables and some other kinds of food. There is a big sale now. I cannot see many people in there. Probably it is in the morning or it is about to close. Various foods, many different foods, other kinds of foods The price of vegetables in Korea is more expensive than in other countries., We don’t have many dairy farms. The milk is on sale. We didn’t pay for plastic bags a few years ago, but now we need to change to paper bags to save the environment. Retail stores sell to customers. Retail stores include groceries,....... (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

20210215 캐스영어 복습 1회차
Lunar New Year It’s two hours away. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia I wanted more freedom. Career military people have to live in country. Girls give candy to their boyfriends. We ate some special food for the Lunar holiday. My Mom cooks it well. I didn’t see all my relatives. Babysit My husband is almost 40. Independent coffee shops #캐스영어 #화상영어 #전화영어 #캐나다전화영어 #캐나다화상영어 #원어민전화영어 #원어민화상영어 #미국전화영어 #미국화상영어 #영어공부 (Publish Date: 2021-02-22)

Feb 17th, 2021
Wow, it’s been so long time that I keep a journal. One of my classmates reminded me to do this job and this time, I could not just ignore his appeal lol. I don’t know why but the problem is that whenever I skip just one take, I lose my passion to keep doing it. That’s sucks. Well, anyway, I started going to the gym for the first time this year. Whenever I enroll in any particular fitness program, I become so lazy that I stop going it easily. The distance is everything that encourages me to exercise, I know. Thank god for the apartment where I live, a gym in the community center just opened ....... (Publish Date: 2021-02-17)



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