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자유게시판 1


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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-06-30 13:32



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Publish Date: (2024-06-30|6:01 pm), Modified Date: (2024-06-30|10:32 pm)

--- Blog Post Contents
Role Play
1-1 Hi There, I'm calling to ask about ________. Hello , I'm calling to inquire about ______. Excuse me. ★ I would like to ______ get two tickets. 1-2 Hi there, I 'm a person who got a new bed at your store. I'm afraid there is a problem with the bed. I think i got the wrong bed. Give me a call when you get this. Thanks ! Plz give me a call as soon as possible. Thank you ! Easy Expression : get two tickets : go on a vacation (Publish Date: 2020-07-11)

- 에어팟 / 갤럭시 버즈 (기다릴 때, 은행) Glaxy Buds made in samsung i always carry it anytime anywhere / to bring my airpods , friends 은행 ex) You know, whenever i go to the bank, i always make sure to bring my airpds ( i always check to see that) i'll tell you why / The thing is / This is important to me Becoz when i am at the bank, the waiting time is just so long ( This line is taking forever ) And so whenever i'm listening to music, it really helps me kill the time. But you see, in the past, i never did that before. So i had to wait for so long. But now you know that problem is ....... (Publish Date: 2020-06-21)

Story Line 1. 한국의 재활용 시스템? 일주일 마다 한번 버린다. 2. 보통 집에서 재활용품을 모은다. (basket) 3. 에러사항 Recycling is very well-practiced in korea / it has become a daily routine in people's lives People gather the recycling(recyclables) at home They take them out separately / There is a designated area for the recyclables ( it is usually next to the dumpster for regular garbage) The city collects the recycling on certain days 강조 Once again ~ M.P for example, i have a recycling basket i gather plastics, bottles and paper box there / i put cans, bottles, plastics, paper and gl....... (Publish Date: 2020-06-21)

Jean Jacket
Jean Jacket (1/3) 1. It's not looking too good. 낫 르킁 투 굿 2. What does that guy have that we dont? / What does he have that we dont? 3. On to the next song i guess (Lets move) 4. Where's the? 5. I m free ! / You are free to go / Are you free tomorrow? 6. Guys, Check it out! (look at this) 7 Maybe we should throw it back in the dumpster. cf / I got dumped (차였다) 8. That was incredible. Did you see that? 9. I just got three in a row ! I haven't had a high-five in months 10. Me first 11. This is like the best day of my life. / This is the best day of my life! 12. I can't....... (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

That Problem is completly solved. (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

1. I feel like ~ing. (~ 하고싶다) / I feel like giving up~ / I feel like eating food ~ 2. I dont feel like doing anything That's awesome! / That's terrific! / That's incredible! it was amazing! / it was terrific it was unforgettable / it was memorable I'm happy / i'm annoying I'm sad / I feel sad I was very impressed I was totally freak out (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

The last time i visited ~ was In the past / i never did that before ~ so i had to wait This is like the best day of my life. / This is the best day of my life! (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

1. There is so much to tell you about myself. But im gonna talk about~ 2. I think ~ will continue to ~ 3. Dont forget ~ 4. I highly recommend you to~ And That is why ~ (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

1. Hi there / Nice to meet u 2. I gotta tell you this lets talk about ~ 3. Ok, Here's What i think / ok, Here's What i got so far This is very trick question to me / for me ?? M.P (Main point) I'll tell you why / The thing is I always make sure ~ to bring my airpods I always make sure check to see that i bring ~ (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

1. Well / Um / Right ? 2. You know / You know what i'm saying / You know what i mean You see Are you following ? 3. I mean / I think / I guess .. It's just 4. Like(not exactly) / kind of / sort of 5. Actually / Basically(summarizing) / Technically 10. How do i put this in words? How can I say? How can i explain? how can i express? 11 What i'm trying to say is What i really love about x is y (Publish Date: 2020-06-14)

0.1) pet 소개 Nice to meet you Eva. My name is suchang. and i am the type of the person who likes animals especially puppies. (In fact) Recently (Finally), i became a daddy of two puppies. (isnt that awesome?) in fact i 've always wanted to have my puppies since i was child ( for a really long time). And now that i have a job, i can take care my lovely puppies. And this is reason why i work hard in company to make more money for my babies. Anyway there is so much tell you about myself and my puppies, But i am gonna talk about this later. 자기소개는 짧게, Main point or 궁금증 포함 i named ....... (Publish Date: 2020-06-06)

Q ) i would like to know about your house. what does it look like? what about your room? What can you see there ? Describe your house and your room in detail. You know what? There's so many things to tell you about my house but what is really special about it is duplex. I mean my house has two floors. Downstair has living room, bedroom , and bathroom like typical houses. But the big difference is upstairs. This space feels like my own play room. So I can do everything I want, like listen to music, play games and so on. Whenever I'm in my playroom it feels very cozy and fun. I even us....... (Publish Date: 2020-05-31)

Tell me about a restaurant you ate recently. What kind of restaurant was it? what was their menu and what did you eat? who were you with? Did you like how the food tasted? 송리단길 잠실 well, you know , i have the perfect story to tell you. two weeks ago, it was my girlfriend's birthday. at that time,(i really wanted to take my gf to the best restaurant bit i didnt know where to go) i was having trouble choosing the best restaurant to celebrate my gf but luckily one of my friends recommend the restaurant called 라잉너 하트 to me. it was located in 잠실 at 송리단 street. on the way to the ....... (Publish Date: 2020-05-27)

Hi , Nice to meet you Eva. My name is suchang. and i am the type of the person who likes animals especially puppies. (In fact) Recently (Finally), i became a daddy of two puppies. (isnt that awesome?) in fact i 've always wanted to have my puppies since i was child ( for a really long time). And now that i have a job, i can take care my lovely puppies. And this is reason why i work hard in company to make more money for my babies. Anyway there is so much tell you about myself and my puppies, But i am gonna talk about this later. 자기소개는 짧게, Main point or 궁금증 포함 i named them 얌얌....... (Publish Date: 2020-05-27)



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